
Friday, January 2, 2015

Why people in Haiti are so poor

Haiti is the poorest in the Western Hemisphere. In this post, I will help to address the question: Why is Haiti so poor? In the late 1700s and early 1800s, Haiti had a civil war, on one side was the black slaves and French Republicans, and the other side were the white Royalists. The Civil War tore Haiti apart. Thousands of people died and many plantations were destroyed. In the end, the rebellion was crushed. After the war, Haiti declared independence and people fought for the right to rule. The rulers abused the slaves and made a feeble attempt at jumpstarting the economy, but it didn't work out too well. Corruption and war went on for years. In 2010, the famous earthquake crushed the economy, and Haiti has been recovering ever since.

Thursday, January 1, 2015


All of the organizations in the organizations post have projects. In this post, I will be listing my 5 favorite projects so you don't have to go droning through websites looking.

1: - Bèlanje -  I like this project because, it has a video that shows you what they did, and they don't force an amount on you

2: Mission of Hope - Leveque - I like how they don't force a amount on you, but they aren't very informational

3: The 410 Bridge Project - Camp Marie - Cheapest and most affordable for 410 Bridge $50 for safe water to a family of 6, $10 to help prevent water borne illnesses for one person, but they do force an amount.

4: Outreach Haiti - Adopt a well, Vye Joupa - They have the least safe and hardest because they have to sift through sand to get their water, also, it's 350 - 400 people, but wells are very expensive.

5: Outreach Haiti - Adopt a well, Yayou - 500 people who have to drink from a very dirty stream.


Organizations that help people in Haiti

Another organization that I have seen helping people in Haiti is Mission of Hope. They have an active project in a village called Leveque, where they are working with The 410 Bridge to help deliver filtration systems to people in need. Also, has another project in Haiti wants to help 50,000 poor people get help and better water. Last but not least, I have also found Haiti Outreach, which help people donate to help make wells for poor communities. All these organizations are very helpful too communities in need, and I hope you check out their websites!

Links: The 410 Bridge, - Mission of Hope - - Haiti Outreach



Clean Water For Poor People In Haiti

In this blog, I will be trying to show people how to help villages in Haiti who don't have enough clean water for themselves, and get sick from drinking dirty water. I thought this was a very long and informational article that I fond about water sanitation in Haiti, here's the link

Water Facts

During my research on Water sanitation, I have  found some disturbing, but true facts that many organizations are trying to change, here are 7.

1: More than two billion people don't have access to toilets, that's more than one seventh of the world!

2: Dirty water can give you diseases such as Cholera and gastrointestinal illnesses like diarrhea.

3: About 801,000 kids die of diarrhea each year.

4: From dirty drinking water, you could get Guinea Worm Disease, which is a very painful parasite that infests your leg through blisters.

5: About 10% of the world's disease could prevented if we had cleaner drinking water.

6: In 1998, diarrhea killed about 2.2 million people

7: 80% of all children's diseases are caused by water.

Links: - CDC - WHO - World Vision International